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Why is the Finance Sector So Important?
Financial services are usually the most well-known economic service offered by the finance sector, which encompasses quite a wide assortment of organizations that deal with money, such as banks, credit card firms, credit unions, mortgage companies, investment banks, etc. These institutions operate to serve the interest of customers and provide monetary solutions in the form of loans, investments, pension plans and savings plans, etc. They also undertake activities such as buying and selling assets on behalf of their customers. In order to be categorized under the financial services sector, the financial institution has to undertake a wide variety of activities. It includes financial planning, management of funds, risk management, accounting, auditing, and insurance, among others.

All these financial activities performed by the financial services sector need the services of highly qualified professionals. For example, financial planners play a major role in handling investment plans of the individuals. They examine the risks involved, the return potential and other factors affecting investment in order to give the best advice. Other financial services sector employees include investment bankers who arrange for the financial products such as commercial mortgages, commercial real estate loans, corporate bonds, corporate equities, etc. and they ensure that the financial products are gaining maximum returns.

The role played by commercial banks in the financial services sector is far more complex as they undertake a number of financial activities such as: lending, trading, investing, serving customers, etc. Commercial banks, unlike the other institutions are less visible to the customer. It is for this reason that the importance of bank managers and bankers has been increasing steadily.

Investment banks play an important role in the financial services sector. They arrange for investment in equities, securities, derivatives, etc. They also undertake other financial activities such as: business loans, business mortgages, commercial bank loans, etc. Commercial banks form an integral part of the large financial firms. Therefore, most of the financial activities are executed through the intervention of banks.

There are various other financial services sectors in the financial sector. One such sector is insurance. Insurance provides an extensive choice to people to handle their financial affairs. Apart from providing insurance policies, people can also take loans from insurance companies.

Another major sector in the financial services sector is the commercial banking sector. The activities of banks include: creating new accounts, lending, providing mortgages, collection of payments, etc. The other major financial service sector in the financial market is the currency market. Currency market includes the dealings in the buying and selling of the different currencies, both the main international currencies and the local currencies.

A large number of financial institutions are found in the finance industry. A large number of banks provide financial services like: estate management, asset management, corporate finance, personal finance, merchant finance, shadow banking, mortgage banking, etc. The main function of these banks is to create financial instruments for commercial purposes. A large number of financial companies are also formed in the finance industry. The major function of these companies is to provide funding for industrial and investment purposes.

Financial firms play a very important role in the economy of any country. If the economy of any country is growing, then the financial services sector is also growing. The growth of financial institutions in any country helps the economy to grow. Thus, it is quite natural that the financial institutions are growing very fast in any country.

Another area is the payment system. There are many financial services providers in the payment system area. A number of financial service providers are involved in the payment system field. A number of banks offer the debit card as a payment system. A few banks also offer the use of credit cards for the purpose of payment. However, most of the banks provide the use of debit cards.

The financial services provided by these financial companies are mainly for the purpose of consumer finance. The other areas in which the financial services companies are involved are in the manufacturing and distribution of consumer goods. There are many companies involved in the manufacturing of consumer goods. A number of financial goods companies are involved in the supply of finance to the manufacturing industries. A few manufacturing industries also get their finance from these companies.

These days, the finance industry has attracted a lot of customers as it has emerged as a major provider of financial services. A number of clients are choosing the financial sector as their choice of provider. These days, most of the people do not require a traditional bank account. Therefore, they are opting for these financial institutions and banks for their monetary needs.